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Partner yoga

Raji Navis

What a fantastic creative way to connect with the partner physically and emotionally in our modern digital world. My any-time favourite. We can have fun while reaping all the physical and mental benefits of traditional yoga!

What a fantastic creative way to connect with the partner physically and emotionally in our modern digital world. My any-time favourite. We can have fun while reaping all the physical and mental benefits of traditional yoga!

Couples yoga is a fun and healthy way to connect and bond. Like booking a movie night together, book a yoga date night. You will do a good workout for your body, relieve stress, and build memories together.

With our busy schedules, at times the relationship could be only communicating necessary things, bringing home dinner and watching a TV program together if you are lucky and your schedules align!. Relationships require constant work, why not try booking a yoga date?

What it means

As the name suggests, couples or partner yoga is a yoga practice done jointly with another person, such as your friend, sibling, partner, or significant other. This could also be done between mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons to nourish the bond.

What to expect

Almost all traditional yoga poses are done in this style, while two people support each other in poses in a way that builds trust and communication and improves posture. This is not a class where you do exercises next to each other. The joint work supporting each other will provide balance while trying to maintain the body in proper alignment. You may even try poses that individually you can’t do.

Health benefits
  • Improved communication and trust: You will rely and lean on your partner throughout while constantly communicating verbally and non-verbally. This will require total trust and most importantly vulnerability!

  • Improved physical bond: As the digital world is expanding into all aspects of our lives, into all rooms and at all times, the human touch in this partner yoga is an additional benefit. It can translate into physical bonding and improved sex life.

  • Built-in accountability to practice: Now you have a buddy, you are more likely to stick to it without excuses.

  • Improved emotional bond: When your body and mind are relaxed and you feel your partner in a moment of breath awareness will make you both feel connected deeply and more satisfied with the relationship.

  • A lifelong hobby for couples: Hobbies increase longevity, lower blood pressure, and improve your job performance. Doing a hobby together will multiply these benefits.

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